July 24, 2007

"Sweet Dreams" now available as a three column template

I've now modified the "Sweet Dreams" template to include a second sidebar to the left of the main column. You can preview this template in action here.
The features are pretty much the same as the original "Sweet Dreams" template, with the added functionality of a third column. I'm happy to see that even videos are filtered in black and white in the sidebar (though not when playing in the main column!), and that overall the design looks rather good.
You can download the "Sweet Dreams" three column template below:
Included in this download are the XML template file, a help file, all images used and widget templates for you to add your own music and search widgets. You are free to modify this template if you wish, but please leave the author credits present in the template. Please do not redistribute this template without a link to the author!
For more three column Blogger templates, take a look here.

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