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Premium Blogger Templates
These templates help you create a professional appearance to your Blogger powered site with ease, and are ideal for those who want to build a simple website for your business, present a stylish portfolio, or simply present a personal blog with a polished, attractive theme.
All of the premium templates on Blogger Buster are fully customisable through the Blogger Template Designer, and may be configured with your own content in a matter of minutes.
All of the premium templates on Blogger Buster are fully customisable through the Blogger Template Designer, and may be configured with your own content in a matter of minutes.
Main features include:
- Includes “landing page” layout for important site information
- Fluid width (all sections adjust accordingly)
- Customisable layout – choose from one, two, three or more main columns!
- “Featured” sections on the main page with stylized headers
- Social media and email subscription section
- Personalise all fonts and colours using the Blogger Template Designer
Atticus Portfolio
This is a highly customizable template which is fully compatible with the Blogger Template Designer. You can change all of the fonts and colours used in this template, and alter all of the content using the Layouts section of your Blogger Dashboard.
Best of all, there is no need to edit the HTML of your template in order to make it work. Even the slideshow can be configured through the simple editing of a gadget!
- Fully customizable “Home Page” design
- Scroll gracefully to different sections of the home page
- An incredibly simple slideshow feature, with images linking to internal pages
- A stylish About Me section with gadget sections for Twitter/Facebook/RSS updates and key personal skills
- Automatically generated portfolio section, with info links to internal pages, thumbnails and lightbox feature.
- Automatic links to portfolio category pages, with thumbnail and lightbox functionality.
- Optional Testimonials section with split-columns for gadgets
- Automatic icons for social media links (just paste in the URLs for your social media profiles!)
- Alternative styling for internal pages
- No need to host your own images or scripts!
Community College
Ideal for those wishing to develop a website for a school, college or community organization, it works equally well for small businesses or freelancers.
Key Features:
- Can be used as a standalone website, or with accompanying blog updates
- Includes “landing page” layout on the home page for important site information
- Fluid width (all sections adjust accordingly)
- Customizable layout – choose from one, two, three or more main columns!
- Automatic simple “Logo” (using Google Web Fonts)
- Personalize all fonts and colors using the Blogger Template Designer
Most importantly, this template works right out of the box. Community College is a deliberately simple template, designed for anyone who wishes to host a simple website. No tweaking is required in order to make this template work - you only need to add your own content to the gadget sections and publish a single blog post.
Of course, you can choose to add complex gadgets and enhance the functionality if you choose. The beauty of this template is that you don't need extensive customization to produce a beautiful, functional and user-friendly site.
Building Websites with Blogger is the ultimate guide to creating a beautiful, usable website with Blogger, and offers great value at only $9.95 (including 3 bonus Blogger templates!)
This eBook delivers details the step-by-step process used to create a complete website, including:
Of course, you can choose to add complex gadgets and enhance the functionality if you choose. The beauty of this template is that you don't need extensive customization to produce a beautiful, functional and user-friendly site.
Buy now for $2.95 - Add to Cart
Need help developing your own Blogger-based website? These eBooks can help you learn all you need to know about getting started with Google Blogger or design a beautiful website to host on this free plaform.Building Websites with Blogger
This eBook delivers details the step-by-step process used to create a complete website, including:
- How to create a blog
- Make simple design changes using the Template Designer
- Edit the Template HTML code to add new sections to the layout
- Style our website using progressive CSS
- Integrate social media (Twitter and Facebook)
- Monetize our websites through advertisement and eCommerce
- Effective techniques for website maintenance
And much more!
Fully illustrated and annotated throughout, this eBook is suitable for Blogger users of any level of experience and includes three beautiful Blogger templates which you can use as the basis for your own website design.
Fully illustrated and annotated throughout, this eBook is suitable for Blogger users of any level of experience and includes three beautiful Blogger templates which you can use as the basis for your own website design.
Buy now for $9.95 - Add to Cart
Blogger for Beginners - Free!
Download this guide - FREE!
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