To use this particular hack, you need to be using the Blogger "Layouts", rather than the classic (old) Blogger template. Make a backup of your template by going to Layouts>Edit HTML>Download full template in your Blogger dashboard. Then hop on over to Hackosphere's post and follow the instructions to the letter!
It took me a couple of attempts to get this right; my advice is to copy and past the code provided, as any extra spaces or line breaks could prevent the hack from working. Be sure to insert the code provided in your post template too, to ensure all future posts have the correct formatting.
Once you've installed the necessary code, you can choose whether to make your new posts expandable or not.
- If you choose to write a long expandable post, write the first paragraph before the < id="fullpost"> and continue afterwards.
- If you choose to write a shorter, non-expandable post, only write before the first < span > tag.
You can also edit previous posts to make them feature expandable summaries, by inserting <span id="fullpost"> after your first paragraph, and </span> at the end of your post.
A truly great Blogger hack as I'm sure you'll agree. Thanks Hackosphere for sharing this!
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