April 30, 2008

Google PageRank Update Soon?

As I looked in my feed reader this morning, I realized everyone's talking about the upcoming Google PageRank update.

At the time of writing this, it seems that Google is updating the toolbar PR ratings, and a full PR update is expected sometime in the next week or so.

I've wondered for a while if a PageRank update may be due soon. I've certainly noticed many changes in the way Blogger Buster is ranked in Google search results. Now you can see "sitelinks" appear in a search for Blogger Buster:

Hopefully the recent PR drops for sites using advertising methods Google disapproves of has come to an end, and we will finally see a true PR update in the next few days.

If you've noticed any changes in PageRank (or know of a reliable PR checking site which is currently operational) please let us know by leaving your comments below.

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