August 06, 2007

"Butterfly": a new girly 3 column Blogger template

Here's a new "girly" 3 column template for you lady bloggers! It's called "Butterfly", featuring floral and butterfly styled images against a dark background. Here's a screenshot for you:

The "Butterfly" template features:

  • Left and right sidebars
  • Unique girly design and header background
  • Animated butterfly in sidebar
  • Customized AddThis social bookmark buttons in each post to match the template color scheme
  • Butterfly styled dividers between each post
  • Customizable colours, fonts, etc.
  • Label cloud styled to match colour scheme
*Updated 2nd Feb 2010 to include updates links to template images and support for Blogger's latest features

You can see the template in action here, and can download the full template below.
The zip file contains both the template XML file and all images needed to run the template which you can upload to your own hosting provider. It also contains a help file to assist in uploading and using the template.

Download Butterfly Template (zip file)

You are free to modify the template, but please leave the author details within the XML template! A link back to Blogger Buster is always appreciated.

Please leave your comments and opinions below.

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All existing posts are still available to view while I'm working on the site, albeit seen in a much simpler interface. Feel free to browse through the archives to find tutorials, templates and articles to help you build a better blog:

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