My premium Blogger themes are high quality, original templates with exclusive designs and increased functionality. They are also very reasonably priced: each theme or theme package costs only $10!
Here are screenshots of my latest premium Blogger themes with links to their download pages on ThemeForest:
Planet Play
This is a playful, colorful theme with a space-cartoon theme.Features of this theme include:- Image-heavy, highly stylized graphics throughout
- PSD for header background and logo included
- Memorable “Subscribe” area in the sidebar, with integrated email subscription box which requires minimal configuration
- Icons for list items in the sidebar and footer, which are configured to match the widget type (ie: folder for Archives, page for Recent Posts, etc)
- Integrated recent posts widget (to display 10 latest items) and recent comments (which includes details of post author)
- Post information appears below each title, supplemented by appropriate icons
- Very easy to set up and begin using right away!
Elegumus Business Theme Package (Two for one!)
This theme package includes two distinguished and professional themes in one download: the neutral version (pictured right) and a dark version too.Features of this theme include:
- Integrated menu bar, easily customizable through the Blogger dashboard
- Built in search form
- Custom header style (with PSD source files)
- “Featured” section on the home page, ideal for products/featured links/other important content (Includes “equal columns” script to ensure these widgets always display at the same height)
- Tabbed sidebar navigation, easily configured through the Blogger dashboard (based on Yahoo! TabView)
- Page numbered navigation on main pages
- Author comment highlighting, to distinguish between author and reader comments
- Fully widget ready
- Easily customized through the Blogger dashboard

Underland is a striking three column template for Blogger, which is highly configurable with many dynamic elements.
Features include:
- Page numbered navigation
- Integrated related posts function
- Facilities for Twitter updates, Flickr Photostream, and recent comments
- Stylized sidebars with hover functions
- Integrated subscription links in header
- ... and much more!
Read more and download from ThemeForest

The main features include:
- Navigation bar above the header
- Numbered page navigation
- Sidebars to the left and right of main posts column
- Post meta data styling
- Three column footer, with code for integrated Flickr Photostream
- ...and much more!
Included is a full “Readme” file with instructions, widget codes, images and the template XML file for easy upload to Blogger.
Learn more and download from ThemeForest
More from Theme Forest
ThemeForest is a relatively new site where you can find premium, high quality web templates and themes for most CMS platforms (including Wordpress, Joomla, Expression Engine and, of course, Blogger!), all at affordable prices.
In addition to my own premium themes, you can find quality Blogger templates by other authors too!
There is a thriving community at Theme Forest which enables you to post comments or ask questions on a theme download page before purchase, or participate in the forums. So if you have time to browse through some high quality themes, please visit Theme Forest to take a look at what's on offer - you may even be tempted to become an author yourself!