January 26, 2008

Reader's Questions: resources to learn basic HTML and CSS

"For a beginner like me, where should I start or what are the basic knowledge that I should learn first for me to catch up with all your posts…"

Here Pak Maeh asks a question which many of you may have wondered at one time or another. While I do try to make my tutorials as easy to understand as possible, it may be helpful for beginners to learn a little about basic HTML and CSS in order to get a better understanding of how Blogger templates work.

So in this post, I'll offer some of the best resources I've found which would be useful for learning the basics.

Blogger resources

The Blogger help section offers some basic advice about working with your Blogger powered blog. Here are some of the most useful pages from the help section:

Other useful resources

Here are some other resources I have found which offer useful information about HTML and CSS which can assist your understanding of how Blogger templates function, and how HTML code can help to enhance the overall appearance of your blog.

HTML for bloggers (Aitec)

This post explains the basics of using HTML code in blog posts, with a table of the most popular HTML tags.

Cedges HTML Cheats

I've always found this site to be one of the best and most useful sites for HTML cheats, and still refer to it now!

Besides regular HTML tags, you can also learn about tables and inline CSS techniques using the useful reference guides.

Faq of HTML

Lists some of the most frequently asked questions about HTML tags.

Barebones guide to HTML

An old but comprehensive guide to HTML tags and structure


A very valuable resource featuring examples, explanations and even "Try-it-yourself" editors, so you can see exactly how each example works in a web page.

CSS Basics

A simple and easy to navigate resource which can help you learn about CSS, from basic to more advanced techniques (thanks to Apisz for the the recommendation)

I hope this resource list is helpful to your understanding of the tutorials and guides posted here at Blogger Buster. If you know of other useful resources which should be added to this list, please feel free to leave your suggestions and comments below.

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All existing posts are still available to view while I'm working on the site, albeit seen in a much simpler interface. Feel free to browse through the archives to find tutorials, templates and articles to help you build a better blog:

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